What is caviar?

What is caviar?

Caviar is  sturgeon  roe or eggs, sieved to remove fatty tissues and membrane, and lightly salted with non-iodized salt. This is an old preserving and curing method that is still effective today . Caviar comes from the Persian word Khaviar which means "bearing eggsTraditionally, the term caviar refers only to roe from wild sturgeon in the Caspian Sea] (Beluga, Ossetra, Sevruga and Baerii caviars).

The color of Beluga caviar, which has the largest egg, is light gray to dark gray spectrum. At present, Beluga caviar is the most valuable species in the world. Ossetra's color  is brown and golden brown
sevruga caviar and baerii are dark gray and black..
The quality of caviar doesn’t mean the most expensive is the best. The pricing relates to how rare it is. Consumer preference is the ultimate judge, depending on if the person likes something more salty, mild, creamy, or buttery
Caviar is seen by many to be a sign of wealth and a true delicacy not everyone agrees on the flavor. Some find it to be overly salty in flavor
Caviar is a source of vitamins and minerals, including omega 3, which helps to promote a healthy nervous, circulatory and immune system. One serving of caviar has an adult's daily requirement of Vitamin B12. Other nutrients included are vitamins A, E, B6, Iron, Magnesium and Selenium

Iran has long history producing caviar, It is said that the people of the Persian Empire were the first to taste caviar, believing it had medicinal properties and was a source of energy 
today this valuable asset is on the verge of extinction due to its overfishing of the Caspian SeaFor the past decade, fisheries experts have been working hard to cultivate, produce and breed these valuable sturgeons in the farming environment and maintain the Iranian caviar market.

Aria Tabaar caviar under the supervision of sturgeon reproduction experts, produced the finest quality authentic Iranian caviar to maintain the position of Iranian caviar in the domestic and foreign markets and has all the permission and certificates to exporst Iranian caviar to all of the world

What is caviar?

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- Source: آریاتبار -